Termite Control Methods
Termite treatment costs vary and are not cheap. You must be aware of the signs of termites even before infestation happens. Controlling termites before an infestation can keep the cost of treatment lower. Many think that identifying the signs are hard, but that is untrue as spotting termites is easy once you have the basic information about them. Moreover, you would be able to estimate the cost of having to treat your home with this information. When you think you may have termites on you property, call your Local San Antonio Pest Control Company
How to Identify Termites
The first thing you should know is how to identify these termites. One particular termite is usually found in coastal areas and known as the drywood termite. As the name goes, these termites feed on dry wood obtained from houses, trees, and even fences. You know that these termites are around once you notice small fecal pellets that look like small grains of wood that are left behind by these termites, normally by the wood or food source they would be feeding on. There are also indications left in houses, by window sills, and by cracks or other openings of wooden objects or furniture.
Another kind of termite is known as the subterranean that are widely found in the country, mostly in the southeastern moist climates. These termites leave behind mud tunnels, no wider than a single pencil, as they crawl their way to their food source. These mud tunnels are usually found in attics, basements, or any unfinished areas of the house. These termites may not seem to be there as they destroy your house, as damage may not be visible on the surface. Their presence can also be detected by the white swarms that fly in during spring and autumn as well as their shed wings.
What Determines Termite Treatment Costs?
Overall, termite treatment will depend on the type of termite that is being dealt with, damage inflicted by these termites, and the size of the house or area that has to be treated. Many have pipes placed around the house as well as underneath the house foundation or infested structure, to have insecticides running through them to be able to treat the infestation. The cost of this particular treatment may be a hundred dollars to over thousands of dollars. To be able to get an estimate, you can measure the feet around the house foundation and multiply it by 4 to 7 dollars.
Once the termite infestation has been treated and in control, you can make a bond or take up a contract with the professionals to inspect every year for further termite problems. Such bonds or contracts can help you save up on money to avoid any future treatments as the problem may be detected early through inspection.
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